Hello again blog, sorry I neglected you over summer... again.
So I'm back in Wrexham for my third and final year at university. I moved back up here a few weeks back before university actually started so I could hang around with my housemates and just mong out in general.
Since I've returned I've already been taught an unforgettable and priceless skill, that skill being how to make sock monkeys!
Sock Monkeys/ Animals are stuffed animals made from a pair of new socks, creating a cheap but effective toy or gift for someone. Being the cool kids that we are, me and my fellow housemates all made a sock monkey, although seeing as i have a lot of friend's and family's birthdays in October, I decided I'd make quite a few more... Below are the photos - prepare to be amazed (or not).
This was my first attempt at a sock monkey and due to the psychedelic pattern of the sock, it has earned the name: 'Hilda the Drug Monkey'. Although she looks creepy as hell, I'm proud that I managed to create her with absolutely no sewing experience. Although to be honest I was pretty much sitting on my housemates lap whilst she spoon-fed me the instructions. My next sock monkey was a drastic improvement.
Production Photo |
Finished Monkey |
Like I said before, I think this monkey is already a drastic improvement. I was much happier with this monkey not just because it looked better but because I had also done this one all by myself. This monkey was sent off to my little sister for her birthday and apparently she liked it so much she now takes it to bed with her :)
This monkey was a present for my mum for her birthday just two days after my sister's so my skills improved quite quickly. Although not particularly visible, the stitching on this monkey was neater, the mouth was sewn on straight and he was stuffed a bit better.
Latest compared to First |
My most recent creation is probably my best so far and went to my good friend Amy for her birthday. As you can see, my most recent monkey looks much better than my first attempt (even if it looks like a dog) and although these toys aren't exactly video game art, they are still pretty creative and gave me something to do this last week, but with no more birthdays in October i doubt I'll be making anymore of these little guys anytime soon, so expect more conventional art soon!