Sunday, 19 May 2013

Ray and Laurent - The Scientists

Names: Ray and Laurent

Ages: 31 & 33

Ray & Laurent worked with James and Serenity on the mysterious new element 'Eden'. Although their personalities contrasted they worked very well together, with Laurent's cautiousness balancing out Ray's recklessness. Although the two worked well together they weren't particularly fond of each other. Ray disliked how pessimistic and neurotic Laurent was whilst Laurent was always Jealous of how confident and optimistic Ray was. Despite their differences though they were integral to the progression of Eden and their research helped James to develop a way to harness Eden's power.

They were the first two people approached by James when he was looking for guardians to help him destroy the world and stop Serenity interfering. The two initially declined his offer, appalled that he had used their research for himself and planned to destroy the world. However, James managed to persuade them with the notion that in his new world everything would be new and their would be endless things to study and dissect. Knowing how intelligent each man was, James decided to fuse the two together to increase their intelligence and hopefully make them work better together. Although they both became much more intelligent, their feelings for one another didn't change and they bickered and disagreed even more, their already opposing personalities now seemed even more exaggerated with Laurent becoming even more neurotic and pessimistic and Ray becoming overly enthusiastic and reckless. Driven mad by the fusion and with no regard for their own bodies anymore they start to experiment on themselves, which gives them their odd sucker punch glove arms.

Some concepts
The Scientists - mid paint

I'm really pleased with how this picture turned out. This idea originally came from a game me and my friends designed over ten years ago, although back then he was a two headed jester. Later on i took inspiration from the jester character and drew a two headed, skinny man with strange claws on chains for arms, which transformed into this when i revisited it. I like how clinical the picture looks and how almost everything about the scientists is contrasting, from their hair to their boots. Although Ray and Laurent are one of my more bizarre creations i think they fit into this game idea very well and are a quirky and unique addition.

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