Sunday, 1 May 2011

Liverpool Trip 2010

Our first main trip at university was the Liverpool trip where we looked at various museums and art galleries including the Tate Modern. This trip wasn't just an opportunity to make new friends, it was also quite inspiring. Everyone started at the Tate Modern but people quickly started to do their own thing and dispersed from the gallery.

 The group I hung around with that day was quite big and so we all wanted to go to different things which meant a lot of running around in a short amount of time. However I'm glad we did visit so many places because we got to see some amazing things, and of course, some not so amazing things.

For example I was not very impressed with the Tate Modern. A lot of the 'art' i saw was not to my taste at all , however there were some pieces of art that were amazing. A cardboard replica of a city, a mountain of lit candles, suspended stairways and huge interactive art pieces all stood out to me. Unfortunately photography was not allowed in the Tate Modern and so i have no pictures to show. But here's some pictures from some of the other galleries we visited.

Cool Sculpture

Kinky Mannequin
I liked the first image so much i had it professionally printed out. I found the sculpture interesting, it was made out of suspended bicycle wheels and dresses yet it looked elegant and important. The second image was of a sculpture that i wasn't very impressed with. But at least it gave us a good laugh :)

One of the most inspiring pieces of art was the ribbon room. A room filled with thousands of colourful ribbons. It was sooooo coooool. Words can't really do it justice so here are a couple of photos.

Ribbon Room

Everyone having a good play around
We made our way to the World Museum which in my opinion was the highlight of the trip. There are so many ancient and intriguing things on every floor. Sea creatures populated one floor while relics from the past filled another. I got a lot of ideas from some of the things in this museum, ideas for characters, landscapes and body shapes. Here are some of my favourite pictures from the museum.

A replica of a Pterodactyl's skeleton

A Clam
I've never been particularly interested in dinosaurs of sea creatures but i was fascinated by the clams, the fish, the bones- everything was very impressive.

An ancient mural of Voldemort

The authentic tar preserved skeleton of a stag
 Apparently this stag is the real deal. It is the largest stag skeleton ever to be discovered and has the largest antlers too! It died a few thousand years ago and was preserved in tar, which is why the bones are stained black.

Egyptian hips don't lie

This is one of my favourite photographs as it really makes me want to go and draw something. I like how all the people have such exaggerated bodies, the hips on the female and the elongated limbs on the other especially.

After visiting the World Museum we had to get back to the coach as we had ran out of time. I wouldn't have ever thought Liverpool would have so many interesting places in it and be so full of art, whether it be architectural, natural or a piece hung in a gallery. Liverpool really surprised me and gave me some great photos to get inspiration from. All in all, a good day out.

Homeward Bound

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